EBC Financial Group Partners with United to Beat Malaria
EBC Financial Group Partners with United to Beat Malaria, a Campaign of the United Nations Foundation, to Protect Vulnerable Children and Their Families from Malaria EBC Financial Group Amplifies Mal...… -
Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in 18th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service
FAIRFAX, Va., April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Winners in the 18th annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, recognized as the world's top customer service awards and sales awards, were u...… -
2024年是中法建交60周年暨中法文化旅游年,恰逢奥运会百年之后重回“现代奥林匹克运动的起点”——巴黎。中法两国都有着灿烂的文明,两颗璀璨的明珠,在人类历史的长河中时常交相辉映。启动“从北京到巴黎”系列媒...… -
London Research & Pharmaceuticals presents the advancement of LRP-661
London Research & Pharmaceuticals presents the advancement of LRP-661, their oral cannabidiol sulphate drug candidate at the prestigious Epilepsy Therapies & Diagnostics Development (ETDD) XVII confer...… -
在这个科技迅猛发展的时代,艺术与科技的融合早已为艺术家们打开了全新的创作视界。而随着数字艺术与科技的融合日益加深,影驰一直致力于推动用科技将创意的边界不断拓宽。为此我们特别举办了“AI樱花季:曜你不同 影...… -
安徽,这片古老而神奇的土地,孕育了无数璀璨的文化瑰宝。其中,安徽名茶更是独树一帜,以其独特的韵味和深厚的文化底蕴,吸引了无数茶友的目光。今天,就让我们一起走进安徽名茶网,探秘这片土地上的茶香传奇。 ...… -
盛世荣耀•感恩盛典 | 圣琪诺品牌现场发布会
圣琪诺 青春定格•焕颜奢护套盒 从全球先进抗衰科技中不断汲取技术、智慧和灵感,三十年深耕,不断迭代、解码…… |科技美|安全美|鲜活美| 您,是否用心倾听过肌肤的诉求? 圣琪诺抗衰研发团队 长期跟踪调...… -
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners completes acquisition of New York onshore wind development portfo
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), acting on behalf of its flagship fund, CI V, today announced the successful acquisition of Liberty Renewables, a 1.3 GW portfolio of onshore wind projects in ...… -
Banle Energy International Limited Supports Yang Ming’s inaugural B24 Biofuel Bunkering Services in
HONG KONG, April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - On April 14, 2024, Banle Energy International Limited, a subsidiary of the Banle Group (NASDAQ: BANL), a reputable marine fuel logistic company in the Asia...… -
Descartes’ Study Reveals 54% of Supply Chain and Logistics Operations are Prioritizing Automation to
Delivery Route Optimization & Real-time Shipment Tracking are Top Technology Choices to Improve Productivity ATLANTA and LONDON, April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX...… -
悅运动 · 悅健康 | 紫琪尔独家冠名第九届Mini马拉松挑战赛 传递健康理念